Beach Haven West Civic Association
Latest News
Beach Haven West
It's a beautiful day in Beach Haven West.
Beach Haven West
It's a beautiful day in Beach Haven West.
Beach Haven West
It's a beautiful day in Beach Haven West.
Beach Haven West
It's a beautiful day in Beach Haven West.
Helpful Links
Weather Underground Link
Beach Haven West Special Events -
Check out our Facebook page
Stafford Township - Garbage and recycling schedule
Stafford Township - Ordinances
Pay your taxes - Office of the Tax Collector - 609-597-1000, Ext 8551
For Senior Citizen Deduction, Surviving Spouse, Disabled and Veteran Deductions,
call the Assessor at 609-597-1000-Ext. 8546
For information regarding Homestead Rebate, call 1-888–238-1233
Property Tax Reimbursement Program - call 1-800-882-6597
For other questions about Stafford Township Government:
the Office of the Township Clerk is a very helpful resource
609-597-1000 Ext 8526
Links of Information--Barnegat Bay:
Reclam The Bay
Barnegat Bay Partnership
Save Barnegat Bay
Edwin B. Forsythe Refuge
Toms River Seaport Society and Maritime Museum