Water Quality

Save Barnegat Bay Water Quality Project
August 2024 (Presentation)

Sustainable Community Building
August 2024 (Presentation)

Video for the above two presentations^^
August 2024 (Link to video)

Beach Haven West Water Quality Presentation
August 14, 2023 (Video)

Water Quality Presentation - August 14, 2023

Lagoon Study Workshop from
July 20, 2021 (Video)
Click here to view video in separate window.

BHWCA MATES Water testing results,
posted July 24, 2022

Click here for PDF

Water Salinity Testing:

Click here for PDF of Salinity Results from June 2020,
regarding our local waterways.

What is Salinity?

Click here for Wikipedia information regarding Salinity.

Dredging Project: Bathometric Survey Under way.
Click here for ACT Engineering "Statement of Qualifications" Information (PDF file)